Well, the idea of starting a blog is simply fantastic. But there must be a realistic goal for the journey.
Note that, being a blogger is not simple and easy as you dream, sometimes when you visit blog sites. Imaging all the features, and how they're customized. It takes more years and yes, some months. Let's consider the following challenges of the agenda:
- Why do you want to start a blog instead?
- What's the purpose or the specific idea of your blog?
- How are you gonna make profit from your blog? I mean, where will be your revenue sources?
Now Let's Begin Our Journey To The Blog
After going through the steps below, you will be able to start your own blog. So let's begin the process:
- Choose a website where you want to create blog. There are many websites which you can choose to create your blog from. But it is important to know about yourself, your design, creativity and technical level so that you can customize your blog. Some features in some sites are very confusing. They require much time to be learnt and be familiar to use. But in my opinion, I will recommend only 3 websites for beginners according to my experiences in them. 1. Blogger, 2. WordPress and 3. Webleum.
- Name your blog. Do you worry about the name to be given to your blog? This isn't something to be worried, but be patience and realistic. Do not choose a name that is not easy to get or recall. You can shortcut you own name or even choose your nickname. When I started my blog, I used my nickname, Lord Dreamer. And so I made it as lorddreamer. You could recognise the name is easy recall, familiar and simple pronounced.
- Customize your blog pages according to your idea. If you wanna include videos in your site, then picture how it should be. Whether you will add videos in your post and separate your videos in a single page. That depends on your view.
- Get a custom domain. According to blog sites statistics, sites with custom domain(e.g, www.yourblog.com) have more traffic than sites with free domain(e.g, www.yourblog.site.com). This is because, free domains sometimes are not upgraded. And they're therefore free. They will not be even displayed in search engines. But it isn't problem or by-force to get a custom domain. And note, some websites attribute their name to visitors on your blog. If you're interested in free domain for just the beginning, use blogger.com to create your blog. For they do not attribute their name on your blog.
Start posting on your blog. Create pages and organize them for your site.
Now your blog is ready. If you still have any question, please don't be hesitated to leave it in your comment.